Friday, November 11, 2005

Planning ahead

Thanks to Jude for her (?) encouragement!!

One of the things I am sorely lacking in my weight loss venture is planning ahead. I made a template for planning my meals for a week so I can stay in control.

So here's the plan so far:

Monday: 1200 cals
Tuesday: 1500 cals
Wednesday: 1200 cals
Thursday: 1800 cals
Friday: 2000 cals
Saturday: 1800 cals
Sunday: 1500 cals
WEEKS total cals: 11,000

This is based on my AMR number as determined in the book Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels.

As far as exercise goes, I will start out doing 30 minutes of cardio (walking) and 30 minutes of light weight training. My orthopedic doc says to take it easy at first and not do anything too heavy or too far over my head. I'll also do stretching, maybe a bit of Pilates in front of the TV. I'd love to learn yoga, but I think I'm too big to do it right now. I can work my way towards it.

I feel better knowing I have a plan....

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