Monday, March 13, 2006

Day One--Starting weight 322

I decided to do the liquid diet. Here's what my day looks like so far:

7:30 am: Shake--100 cals
10:30 am: Bar--170 cals
12:30 pm: Chicken flavored boullion--0 cals
1:30 pm: Shake--100 cals
SF pudding--60 cals
4:30 pm: Shake--100 cals
6ish: 8 oz chicken and 2 cups salad with 2T Walden Farms dressing (sugar free and calorie free)--250 cals
8ish: Shake--100 cals
SF pudding--60 cals
Water: 64+ oz

I'm hoping to lose 10 lbs the first week. Last time I did it I lost 12 lbs the first week. But if I lose 5, that will make me happy. I'd like to have steady losses of at least 2 lbs a week or more. My dream goal is to be in the 2's by my birthday on April 15th.

Right now I am using EAS AdvantEdge for shakes and Pria complete nutrition for my meal bar. I'm giving serious consideration to ordering some of the New Lifestyle products, maybe the two week rapid start package. I'm weighing the cost options.

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