I'll be brief (sort of....as brief as I can be--you know me!)
Early this morning at 3:30 am, I was awakened by loud screams from the neighbors next door. I thought it might have been a domestic fight. I ran out the front of our apartment to see our neighbor, Eric, standing on the sidewalk, his face and arms totally black. It was then that I saw the orange flames rolling from the window.
Immediately I ran in and told Alan there was a fire and we had to get out! I grabbed his phone and dialed 911, then grabbed some clothes, shoes, and my purse while Alan grabbed his laptop and our safekeeping box that holds passports, titles, etc.
When we ran out, Eric was not outside. I don't know where he was for sure at that point. Eric lived next door with his fiancee, Kim and their three dogs. One of the dogs came running up to us while we were standing there waiting for the fire department. I had no clue where any of the rest of them were at that point. It wasn't until later that I heard they were all out on the other side of the building. I took their other dog to the other side of the building and asked a firefighter where Eric and Kim were so I could give them their dog back. He said he didn't know, but that he would take the dog where the other dogs were. They took Eric to the hospital--he is severely burned, estimated at about 60-70% of his body. As of this writing, I don't know his condition.
There is a lot of water and smoke damage to our apartment. For the next few nights, we are staying with our friends Chris and Denise, then we will be going to Vegas for our vacation. There is a good chance we may not be able to live in our apartment anymore, and our complex has nowhere else to put us. So, add potential homelessness to the list.
I'm writing this from home, as they have allowed us back in temporarily to get some clothes and things. I am planning to return to work tomorrow. I am still in great shock. Funny thing, though--I was calm enough to be a good support to Kim as she sat in the apartment office, answering a berage of questions from the fire marshall and police. (I don't think I mentioned, but the cause of the fire at this point seems to be a candle.)But now, I just feel very shaky and want to fall apart. I am SO THANKFUL to God for giving me Alan in my life to be my rock. I don't think I could have survived this without him.
The photos above:
Our apartment door is on the left.....
Our bathroom....that black stuff is soot and ashes. Notice the scales survived! :)
Will update when I can.
PS: For all those who can receive channel 2 WESH out of Orlando, they interviewed Alan about the fire.....
OMG, Jen!! Thank goodness you're alright! Wow, kudos to you for keeping it together sweetie, what a nightmare this must be. Please keep us updated if possible, about Eric too, poor guy! Just take it easy, give your honey a nice big hug, and try not to think about the "what if's".
Glad you're okay, (((hugs)))
Ohmy goodness! Thank God you and your family survived. I hope your neighbor heals fast too. How very very scary. When you get home you should find temp housing through the red cross... I wish you the best.
(blue Team)
Jen, I'm glad everyone survived. Sorry to hear your neighbor Eric was injured. If you need help finding resources to help with housing, let me know. The Red Cross, like Maggie714 said, should help you, though.
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