Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I need sleep.

I know it's the first post in over a week. We went to Vegas Friday through Monday, flying back home on a redeye Monday night to Tuesday morning. We had great fun while there...I tripled my money playing the slots and roulette, but then spent about half of it on fun souveniers and stuff.

Then, yesterday morning....reality set in. We walked into our apartment. The burnt smell hit me like a ton of bricks. There was still soot and ashes on countertops and appliances. And to top it off, there is a water leak that I'm not sure where it is coming from. To me it looks like it is coming from UNDER the tiles in the bathroom. The apartment office told me that there is nothing that can be done until the fire investigation is completed. The hold up there is the building inspector won't give the okay for the fire department to go in until the ceiling is more supported.

I am not dealing with this very well. Like the first night after it happened, I had lots of trouble sleeping. All I could smell was smoke. Your brain is trained to wake up and be alert when you smell smoke. I couldn't get my brain to shut off long enough to fall asleep. Plus, with the windows closed and air conditioner off, it was way too quiet. I reacted to every noise I heard. I tried turning on the radio, then the fan, for some background noise. That helped some. Once again, I was clinging to Alan like a frightened child. I have never been this afraid of anything in my life.

We're working on getting out of there as soon as possible. It looks like the soonest may be six weeks, though, unless something else can come through. In the meanwhile, I have to figure out a way to deal with living there. I'm working every night to clean as much as possible and wash the smell out of the clothes still left. I'm also going to start packing things away and storing them in a friend's storage area. Maybe preparing to go will help me deal with staying there for the next six weeks or so. I hope it can be less!

I'm also going to try putting a different scent under my nose, like Vick's Vapor Rub or something. If I can get the smell of burning wood out of my nose, I know I'll be able to sleep better. I might even use an over the counter sleep aid. All I know is....I need sleep.


GW said...

What a thing to come home to, even if it wasn't a complete shock. (((hugs))) I was going to suggest the Vic's for masking the scent. For the smoke smell, try adding regular non-sudsing ammonia to your wash. It gets out the most stubborn perspiration odors and I bet it will work on smoke smell. Your clothes will not smell of ammonia once they go through the rinse cycle, and you don't have to worry about colors fading like you would with bleach.

B said...

Oh honey, I'm just so sorry, I know this is traumatic for you. 6 weeks? Ug, I imagine it's feeling like a lifetime, especially everytime you walk through the door and get hit with that smokey odor. Just know that I'm thinking of you honey, I wish I could make it all better, but I guess that will come with time.
