Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Feeling good!

Okay, prepare may NEVER hear me say it again...

I am really liking working out.

I am enjoying my time in the gym. I didn't get to go on Monday and Tuesday because we were down to one car. Now that Alan's son has left to continue his military training, we have Alan's car back now. I'm planning to go daily through the week from 12-1 and mornings on the weekends.

Today I spent 25 minutes on the treadmill at 2.7 mph, with an incline of 3.5. I was really feeling it in my legs, and my heart was really pumping! Then I worked on my abs for 20 minutes, and spent 10-15 minutes stretching. I am feeling pretty good!

On Friday I'll finally meet Lisa, the friend from 3FC who told me about Slim and Tone. We've been chatting for a couple of weeks, and it will be good to put a name and a face together!

On the homefront: Alan leaves for a business trip to Ireland on Friday (28th) and will return on May 9th. He'll get to spend a few days on the front part and back part of the trip in England, where he will get to see his football team play. He's very excited about going, but says he is pretty depressed that I can't go too. It's just too short notice, plus the $980 plane ticket is out of our reach right now. So...I'll just stay home and do my thing. Luckily, I won't be totally alone, since we have moved in with our friends. I'll definitely miss Alan, though.....alot. I'm sure I'll be emotional from time to time. This is the longest we have been apart since we moved in together. Looks like I may have to get used to him traveling more than his last job. NOT what I wanted to hear........

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