Thursday, April 27, 2006

Is it ever really "over"?

Is the weight loss journey ever really "over"? Is my goal weight really the end, or is it just the beginning?

I look at my obesity as an illness that I can "control" but will never be "cured" of. I will have to think about what I eat every single day of my life. My attitude about food HAS to change.

Tonight will be spent doing Alan's laundry and packing for the trip. I'm missing him already.....:(

1 comment:

B said...

No, I don't believe it is ever really "over". Just as an alcoholic is still an alcoholic and an addict is still an addict even with 25 years sober, we will always have the opportunity to control, but never cure our disease. Like they say, it's a way of life, the only difference is how we choose to live it.
