Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Here is the story about the fire that appeared in the online newspaper today:

Still no word about how our neighbor is doing. I've made a call to the local police department's victim advocate to see if she had any news, but haven't heard from her.

We haven't heard if we will be able to still live in our apartment. To be honest, I don't want to go back there now. Just thinking about it makes my stomach really hurt. I am so fearful of open flames now. Even the candle on the table at dinner last night made me feel very squeamish.

Thanks for your concern and recommending the Red Cross. There was a Red Cross representative there. He helped Kim with some assistance, as well as the folks in the other apartment on the first floor and the folks above them. I guess since we mentioned that we can stay with friends they didn't think we needed any help.

Last night, Alan was able to fall asleep but I had a very difficult time getting there. I tried to get as close to Alan in bed as I could, huddling next to him like a frightened child. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Eric, all charred, the whites of his eyes standing out amongst all the black soot. I kept hearing the screams and banging noise I heard that early morning. I tossed around for about an hour before I went back into the living room of our friends home, where they were watching television.

I sat next to Chris on the couch. He put his arm around me, and I just lost it. He held me very father-like, reassuring me that I was safe there. He shared his practical wisdom on the situation while I sobbed and sniffed into his chest. After I had my release, he made me some hot malted milk and gave me some sort of herbal sleep aid. Denise gave me a couple of magazines to read, and I was finally sleepy enough to try it. I curled next to Alan again, and fell asleep.

Am I ever going to feel totally safe again?


GW said...

What you've been through, what you've witnessed, is horrible. It's going to take a while to get past the emotional upheaval of it, I'm sure. Can you get some counseling from the Red Cross? Someone who does crisis management should be able to help you sort out those feelings. I'm praying you can have some peace soon.

Anonymous said...

And this too shall pass... Praying you and yours find some security and normality soon.

B said...

You'll get there honey, just give it some time. What you've been through is traumatic, to say the least, and your body and mind simply need some time to process everything. Just hang on to your sweetie-pie and be willing to accept help and support. Like scarlettdrawl said, this too shall pass. Take care!


Anonymous said...

I will echo what everyone else says and say that it will take some time but it will get easier. I can't imagine what all you have been through but I want you to know that we are all thinking and praying for recovery!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you and may you find peace soon