Monday, May 22, 2006

Equality--some food for thought.

I'm not a political person really...but this subject is near and dear to my heart.

Imagine living with your partner for many years. And, as couples do, you have joint assets together: a home, cars, bank accounts, even children. Now imagine that your partner dies, and one of his/her relatives decides that YOU have no claim on anything that ever belonged to him. The relative takes posession of the assets, and possibly even the children.

Gay and lesbian couples go through this every day. Because same sex marriage is illegal, they are not allowed the same rights as opposite sex couples, including healthcare benefits.

The Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA) vote is coming up soon, which, if passed, will keep same sex couples legally apart. This is discrimination at its worst.

I have many gay and lesbian friends in loving, committed relationships that deserve the same benefits that I will have when I marry Alan. I want to do my part to help them.

Here is a video clip:

Just wanted to give you some food for thought.

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