Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I feel complete again.... that Alan is home! It was the best feeling in the world having him back home and in my arms again. Poor thing is fighting a cold. I told him there were more suitable souveniers from England that he could have brought back! :) He did bring back script books for three of our favorite British TV shows: Little Britain, The Office, and Footballers Wives.

Because I ended up having to pick Alan up at the airport, my eating schedule got off. When we came home for dinner, I ate way more than I should have, and the scale showed it--up 2 lbs. No worries--I will get it off with lots of water today! I am on my fourth bottle.

Today's workout was good. I walked for 20 minutes at 2.3 mph (about a 26 minute mile) at 8.0 incline. After that, I hit the punching bag for 10 minutes or so, did some stretching and worked on my abs. I really had a good sweat going on!

1 comment:

GW said...

Happy Alan's home. Did you have a good weekend?