Thursday, May 04, 2006

Workout 5/4

Oops! Looks like I missed 5/3 too!

circuit workout, 5 min elliptical, 10 min treadmill on 6.0 incline at 2.3 mph, 100 crunches, stretching

5/4: 20 minute treadmill, 10 minutes rebounding, 100 crunches, stretching

I am really sore, especially my left shoulder and neck. My legs hurt as well. Today was my fifth day in a row to work out. Am I doing too much??

1 comment:

Xena said...

I'm no personal trainer or anything, so you might want to check with someone at your gym, if they have those sort of folks. You do need to give your muscles a rest day, especially if you're doing the same thing each day. If you've just started up again, I think it's natural that you would be sore! I was sick for about a month and only doing yoga/light walking, and when I went back into the gym to do the elliptical/weights, I was quite sore for a few days. Good luck, and keep up the great work!