Tuesday, May 09, 2006

in 5 1/2 hours....

...my love's plane will land. Alan has been gone two weeks, but it seems like an eternity! Time did not pass quickly like I had hoped it would.

I'm particulary upset this morning that I missed his call before getting on the plane. He was boarding at 10 am local time, which is 5 am here. He called me four times, but my stupid cell phone never rang! He left me four messages, with the fourth one expressing deep disappointment that he didn't get to talk to me. I feel like I let him down! Anyway, I must get over it.

Once he lands, a co-worker will pick him up and take him back to his office where his car is. He'll check in briefly with his boss, then put his bags in his car and drive over to my work, where I will give him the world's biggest hug!!!

We've definitely decided that never again will we be apart for that long. If another trip like this comes up, I'm going with him. Work will have to wait. I know what's more important.

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