Sunday, January 22, 2006

Getting back to normal...Finally!

Day 8 of my cycle, and it's finally going away. I haven't weighed in a couple of days to see what the damage is....hopefully it is minimal.

Spent today just relaxing with Alan. Basically I haven't gotten out of my bathrobe, except to take a shower.

We've heard news about Alan's son. He is doing well at boot camp. Alan hasn't heard from him directly--just form letters letting him know what his contact information is. Recruits cannot communicate directly with anyone on the outside for the first few weeks. We're going to write him a letter and send it off tonight.

1 comment:

B said...

Ahhh, lazy bathrobe days, gotta love 'em!

I'm glad to hear that you're finally starting to feel human again, it's about time, huh?

Wow, bootcamp, that's tough stuff sweetie. I'm sure a letter from home will hit the spot quite nicely.
