Thursday, January 19, 2006

Much improved!

I'm feeling much better today. I definitely want to work out tonight after work. Believe it or not....I missed my workouts! I had gotten so used to them, and will be glad to get back to it.

Alan has a second interview with a company locally. Hopefully they will see what an asset he would be and hire him today! That would help get the ball rolling. In the meanwhile, we are flying together to Moline, Illinois for an interview. The interviewing company is paying for me to come out as well, plus putting us up in a three-star hotel for three nights over the weekend. It will be a nice little getaway. It will be COLDER than what we are used to! I'm not even sure where my winter coat IS, much less if it will still fit!

Speaking of fit, another one of my fears comes into play--flying. Not because I am afraid of heights or that we will crash, but I am afraid of NOT fitting in the seat. Luckily, I'm sitting with Alan,and we can push up the arm in between us.

Alan and I are planning a trip to England for his 50th birthday in late October/Early November. I DEFINITELY do not want to have to worry about fitting in the seat then! I want to be more comfortable when we have to be in a plane for 9 hours.

I want to get below 300 SO badly!! I remember what I felt like, and want to get back there again.


Anonymous said...

Sending good vibes for a great job interview~ (and hopefully he will get the job too)

B said...

Wow, fancy shmancy!! Wish him luck in the interviews for me. I hear ya on the airplane seats. One of my lowest points was riding from ARK to CA, sitting bolt upright and sucking in my gut 'cause I just couldn't bite the bullet and ask for a much needed seatbelt extender. Just think Jen, this will be the last flight where this particular issue will have have to be a concern again. Now, how does that sound?

Good luck sweetie, and be safe!