Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Still in hell....

I went home from the office yesterday at noon with the worst cramps I've had in a long time. It takes alot to sideline me from work, and this was bad enough to do it. So I went home, took a leftover darvocet and put on the heating pad. I took advantage of sitting still and watched all my TiVo'd programs I had been saving for awhile.

I did pretty lousy on my eating yesterday. I really wasn't hungry at all, but was DYING for chocolate. So, when I bought a new supply of pads at Walgreens, I also bought a small bag of Dove chocolate (the best chocolate in the WORLD!) Needless to say, the whole bag disappeared.

Oh well, that was is a new day.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the cramps, I know how that is and I am right there with ya. Thankfully, since I have lost a bit of weight, my monthly stuff is more regular and les dramatic (Too much info.. sorry..LOL)

Don't beat yourself up over the chocolate, sure it may not have been the best choice ever, but losing weight is a bunch of small choices. Just brush yourself off and get right back to the plan.

I hope you feel better soon!

B said...

Yep, today's a new day. And I like what Heather said about choices, perhaps next time you'll make different ones. Either way, feel better soon my dear, and know that I'm think of you.
